The Archery Show

It dawned on me today why isn’t there a national archery show every year? My other hobby is Astronomy and we have an Astrofest in February in London with talks and trade stands and then there is another astronomy show in Coventry around May time. I am now imagining an archery show with all the… Read More »

Archery Training 08-01-2016

For archery training tonight we shot at Portsmouth targets. I didn’t have a great start, it’s important for me to remember about the string picture again in order to make a good shot. I also found that it was important for me to remember to drop my draw shoulder, as I began with my shoulder… Read More »

First Archery Shoot after Christmas

Today was the 1st archery shoot after Christmas, and I hadn’t shot since well before Christmas. I always had the intention to practice over the Christmas period but never managed it with the weather being so bad outside. Well anyway we shot a Portsmouth round today to ease ourselves back in to shooting. It didn’t… Read More »

European Archery Championships 2016

Look what turned up in the latest copy of Bow International the other day, a flyer for the European Archery Championships 2016 in Nottingham. The final weekend sees the compound finals on the Saturday and the recurve final on the Sunday, spread over 2 sessions per day. We bought our tickets when they were first… Read More »

Welcome to my Archery Blog

Welcome to the first post of my new archery blog. I hope to bring you a collection of archery news, archery equipment reviews, archery book reviews, archery tips, archery videos and much more. To find out more about the blog and about me please read my about me page. Thanks Daniel